(Yes, I mean I just took the "donut" out.)
The device, itself, is mounted only with a single 10mm nut. Once I removed this nut, I was able to shuffle around the device enough to reach the disconnector and remove it completely.
A huge commitment, no doubt. - Buy link: https://www.oreillyauto.com/detail/c/xtra-seal/xtra-seal-tire-valve-cap/xts0/154923/v/a/140821/automotive-car-2017-volkswagen-gti?q=15-4923&pos=0 - Dumb Instagram Reel: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzMuxTov1xz
Originally just pulled the boot up to try and figure out what I needed to do to adjust the handbrake but I realized I liked it a lot better without it entirely.
no thanks to y'all or modern search engines, I managed to find an astonishingly high-value, (seemingly) extremely robust, suction and physical bracket-based windshield mount. get bent. details: https://extratone.craft.me/arkonmount
"The OBDeleven VAG application, coupled with the OBDeleven NextGen device, is designed to give all Volkswagen Group (VAG) enthusiasts and professionals more control over their vehicles. With an easy-to-use and intuitive interface, you’ll be able to make advanced changes, modifications and customi...
Though I originally intended to order/install either Pilot Sport 4Ss or Pilot Super Sports, it wasn't until the good folks at Big O brought around DAVÖD, post-fitting and alignment, that I noticed the words All Season on the goddamned things.
Should probably be quite offended/demanding to hear back from the previous owner about why the heck it was missing. This was the first thing I actually *fixed* on the car and it felt quite significant. A few more details here: https://extratone.craft.me/cowlclip
Just a stock OEM towing hook (which was missing when I bought the car.) One of the stupid aesthetic trends I've always liked.
All four of my OEM flaps had become broken or detached to some degree. I originally wanted the pink ones but uh.... Very glad I got the *short* ones in red. https://rokblokz.com/products/vw-golf-mk7-rally-mud-flaps-2015?variant=6609483989035